Project: A500 Dualling
Project Info
Client: Geotechnical Engineering
Location: Crewe
Services: Classification Testing
Timeline: 2018-2019
Project Overview
A 2.1-mile section of the A500 between the Meremoor Moss roundabout and M6 junction near Crewe transformed into a dual carriageway. The upgrade was to improve journey times, slashing congestion for commuters, while providing a much-needed boost to the local economy and businesses, improving road connections between Stoke-on-Trent, Nantwich and Crewe, and helping improve the flow of goods and services between the towns.
GSTL provided a wide range of geotechnical classification testing at our South Wales laboratory

Project: Kepax Walking and Cycling Bridge
Project Info
Client: Earth Environmental, Quantum Geotechnical
Location: Worcester
Services: Classification Testing, Chemical Testing, Effective Stress Testing
Timeline: 2021-2022
Project Overview
The aim of this project was to improve walking and cycling routes around the Worcestshire county. The scheme was to build a new walking and cycling bridge across the River Severn in Worcester. (Link)
GSTL provided Geotechnical Testing at the end of 2020 and into early 2021 across a 4 month testing regime. This included classification, chemical and effective stress testing as well as some rock testing services.

Project: Inveraray to Crossaig - 275kV
Project Info
Client: CGL
Location: West Scotland
Services: Sample Logistics, Soil Testing, Rock Testing
Timeline: 2021-2022
Project Overview
This project was to facilitate the recent advancement in renewable energy generation across Scotland and increase load capacity, constructing a 275kV overhead line is proposed to replace the existing 132kV route from Inveraray to Crossaig substation.
GSTL were involved in soil and rock testing for 271 transmission tower locations, we managed the testing on this project throughout the investigation phases, meeting required timescales with each stage. Including collection of samples from the remote site locations.

Project: Pines Burn Wind Farm
Project Info
Client: The Land Consultancy
Location: Hawick, Scottish Borders
Services: Classification Testing, Rock Testing
Timeline: 2018-2019
Project Overview
The Pines Burn Wind Farm project is located approximately 6km South West of Bonchester Bridge and 8km South of Hawick in the Scottish Borders. The project consists of 12 wind turbines, with tip heights between 130m and 149.9m. The development will be operational for a 25 year period, after which after which the turbines would be removed and the site restored.
GSTL were involved in various Geotechnical and Rock Testing Services from 2018 -2019.

Project: Mumbles Coastal Protection
Project Info
Client: Quantum Geotechnic
Location: Swansea Bay
Services: Soil Classification, Rock Testing
Timeline: Ongoing
Project Overview
The aim of this project was to reduce the risk of flooding to homes and businesses that are increasingly threatened by rising sea levels brought about by climate change. Due to their age and erosion, the defences have defects. This phase of work was for the repair or replacing of existing sea defence structures, providing better protection from the sea.
GSTL performed a range of soil classification testing and rock testing services for the client on this project.

Project: Cefn Croes Wind Farm
Project Info
Client: Ainscough Wind Energy Services
Location: Aberystwyth, Wales
Services: Plate Bearing Test
Timeline: 2011-2019
Project Overview
The Cefn Croes Wind Project in Wales is the UK’s largest onshore wind energy project. Located on a hillside near Devil’s Bridge (Ceredigion), about 15km east of Aberystwyth, the project has 39 GE 1.5MW wind turbines generating 58.5MW in total.
GSTL were involved in this project from 2011-2019 performing on site Plate bearing testing regularly for our client

Project: WEM Alcester Flood Defense
Project Info
Client: Arcadis
Location: Alcester, Warwickshire
Services: Classification Testing, Permeability Testing, Shear Strength Testing
Timeline: 2010-2019
Project Overview
Work on the town's flood defences began in 2010 after devastating floods in 2007 flooded the High Street along with more than 200 homes, when the Arrow and the Alne broke their banks.
GSTL were involved in providing soil testing services including classification testing, Permeability testing and shear strength testing.

Project: Clayhall Flood Defense
Project Info
Client: Geocon Site Investigations
Location: Hurstleigh
Services: Classification Testing, Consolidation Testing, Shear Strength Testing
Timeline: 2020
Project Overview
A project for the Environment Agency which aimed to bring the Clayhall Flood Alleviation Scheme to the residents of Hurstleigh as well as the local playing fields. When complete the new structure will protect the houses fronting Hurstleigh Playing fields and the fields downstream of the new
Through this project Clayhall will see the installation of a “bund” using re-cycled London Blue Clay across the Hurstleigh Gardens playing fields.
GSTL provided classification testing including consolidation and shear strength testing.

Project: Hinkley Point
Project Info
Client: CGL
Location: Somerset, England
Services: Classification Testing
Timeline: 2016-2020
Project Overview
Hinkley Point C nuclear power station is a project to construct a 3,200 MWe nuclear power station with two EPR reactors in Somerset, England. The site was one of eight announced by the British government in 2010, and in November 2012 a nuclear site licence was granted.
GSTL were involved in providing Geotechnical testing works

Project: M27 Junction 4-11 - Smart Motorway
Project Info
Client: Geocon Site Investigations
Location: Winchester - Fareham
Services: Classification Testing, Effective Stress Testing
Timeline: 2018-2019
Project Overview
The M27 smart motorway scheme stretches from junction 4 (M3 Interchange) to junction 11 (Fareham), and will directly connect to the M3 junction 9 (Winchester / A34 Interchange) to junction 14 (M27) smart motorway scheme. The scheme is 24km (15 miles), and all links on the M27 between junction 4 to 11 will be upgraded to smart motorway, dual four all-lane running. The hard shoulder will be retained between junctions 7 and 8. The scheme involved: permanent conversion of the hard shoulder to create a fourth lane and changing the junction slip roads to accommodate this, new CCTV cameras and electronic information signs and signals on gantries - these will show variable mandatory speed limits and manage traffic flow and incidents, emergency refuge areas throughout the length of the scheme, the hardening of the central reserve and installation of a reinforced barrier to improve safety
GSTL provided a wide range of Geotechnical Laboratory testing services over a 12 month period for various clients on various phases of this project in 2018 through to 2019. The testing ranged from basic classification testing through to Effective Stress Testing.

Project: Windy Edge Wind Farm
Project Info
Client: The Land Consultancy
Location: Hawick, Scottish Borders
Services: Classification Testing, Rock Testing
Timeline: 2019
Project Overview
The nine-turbine Windy Edge project south of Hawick has been given the green light by a Scottish government reporter.
GSTL were involved in various Geotechnical and Rock Testing Services.

Project: Llanharan Bypass
Project Info
Client: Quantum Geotechnic
Location: Llanharan - Wales
Services: Classification Testing
Timeline: 2019-2020
Project Overview
The Llanharan Bypass is a major highway scheme to construct a new road to the south of Llanharan, split into three sections.
GSTL Provided a range of classification testing services running from 2019 to 2020